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Plot bivariate predictor-response function on a new grid of points


  y = NULL,
  Z = NULL,
  X = NULL,
  whichz1 = 1,
  whichz2 = 2,
  whichz3 = NULL,
  method = "approx",
  prob = 0.5,
  q.fixed = 0.5,
  sel = NULL,
  ngrid = 50,
  min.plot.dist = 0.5,
  center = TRUE,



An object containing the results returned by a the kmbayes function


a vector of outcome data of length n.


an n-by-M matrix of predictor variables to be included in the h function. Each row represents an observation and each column represents an predictor.


an n-by-K matrix of covariate data where each row represents an observation and each column represents a covariate. Should not contain an intercept column.


vector identifying the first predictor that (column of Z) should be plotted


vector identifying the second predictor that (column of Z) should be plotted


vector identifying the third predictor that will be set to a pre-specified fixed quantile (determined by prob)


method for obtaining posterior summaries at a vector of new points. Options are "approx" and "exact"; defaults to "approx", which is faster particularly for large datasets; see details


pre-specified quantile to set the third predictor (determined by whichz3); defaults to 0.5 (50th percentile)


vector of quantiles at which to fix the remaining predictors in Z


logical expression indicating samples to keep; defaults to keeping the second half of all samples


number of grid points to cover the range of each predictor (column in Z)


specifies a minimum distance that a new grid point needs to be from an observed data point in order to compute the prediction; points further than this will not be computed


flag for whether to scale the exposure-response function to have mean zero


other arguments to pass on to the prediction function


a data frame with value of the first predictor, the value of the second predictor, the posterior mean estimate, and the posterior standard deviation


## First generate dataset
dat <- SimData(n = 50, M = 4)
y <- dat$y
Z <- dat$Z
X <- dat$X

## Fit model with component-wise variable selection
## Using only 100 iterations to make example run quickly
## Typically should use a large number of iterations for inference
fitkm <- kmbayes(y = y, Z = Z, X = X, iter = 100, verbose = FALSE, varsel = TRUE)
#> Iteration: 10 (10% completed; 0.00472 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 20 (20% completed; 0.01 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 30 (30% completed; 0.01531 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 40 (40% completed; 0.02049 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 50 (50% completed; 0.02558 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 60 (60% completed; 0.03072 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 70 (70% completed; 0.0434 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 80 (80% completed; 0.04857 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 90 (90% completed; 0.05379 secs elapsed)
#> Iteration: 100 (100% completed; 0.0589 secs elapsed)

## Obtain predicted value on new grid of points
## Using only a 10-by-10 point grid to make example run quickly
pred.resp.bivar12 <- PredictorResponseBivarPair(fit = fitkm, min.plot.dist = 1, ngrid = 10)