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bkmr 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2022-03-28

Bug fixes

  • Corrected code that produced warning length > 1 in coercion to logical

  • Update functions that use deprecated functions from dplyr package

Minor changes

  • No longer export the following functions:

    • CalcGroupPIPs, CalcWithinGroupPIPs, and CalcPIPs as these should typically be calculated using the function ExtractPIPs

    • ComputePostmeanHnew.approx and ComputePostmeanHnew.exact as these should typically be calculated using the function ComputePostmeanHnew

    • set_verbose_opts as this is only called internally

  • Expanded function documentation by adding example code

bkmr 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2022-03-04

Bug fixes

  • allowable values for starting parameter for r[m] parameters updated as follows

    • no longer truncated to a single value (when varsel = FALSE and rmethod = "varying")

    • can be equal to 0 (when varsel = TRUE)

  • Error no longer generated if starting values for h.hat are not positive

  • When checking class of an object, use inherits() instead of class()

bkmr 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2017-03-24

Major changes

  • Added ability to have binomial outcome family by implementing probit regression within kmbayes()

  • Removed computation of the subject-specific effects h[i] within kmbayes(), as this is not always desired, and greatly slows down model fitting

    • This could still be done by setting the option est.h = TRUE in the kmbayes function

    • posterior samples of h[i] can now be obtained via the post-processing SamplePred function; alternatively, posterior summaries (mean, variance) can be obtained via the post-processing ComputePostmeanHnew function

  • Added ability to use exact estimates of the posterior mean and variance by specifying the argument method = 'exact' within the post-processing functions (e.g., OverallRiskSummaries(), PredictorResponseUnivar())

Bug fixes